
Crafting Success

I just spent probably an hour trying to change the look of my blog. I still don't have a clue of what I'm doing, so I apologize for the sort of messy appearance of this blog. Perhaps I will eventually figure out how to properly edit this thing.

On a totally different note, I finally did get something right! I've finished making two Rasta scarves :) I'm very proud of them and am super excited that they are finally available at Little Pink Elephant. If you want to show your love for Reggae this Autumn and Winter, go get them now!!

Another crafting success happened for me just this week. Since I've now got my own place, I've been desperately wanting to get a Holiday/seasonal wreath for our front door but have been shocked by how freaking expensive they are (ranging from $25-$75). Not only that but most wreaths were either dripping in cutesy scarecrows or were a bit too hoity-toity for me. After checking out several different stores, including some secondhand stores, I decided that I would just try making my own wreath. Fourteen dollars and thirty minutes was all it took to make a fairly cute Autumn themed wreath. It isn't perfect and could use a few more dollars worth of work. Overall, it was much cheaper than the wreaths I was looking at in the stores. Plus, I got to customize it (which means that this wreath is sans scarecrows, birds, and frosty vegetables). Because I was able to just stick the floral decorations into the grapevine wreath, I didn't have to purchase any adhesive or binding. I can't wait to get started on a Christmas themed wreath lol. I will have pics of the wreath "in action" later.


  1. in order to get the cutest blog on the blog out of where you write, go to layout and to pick new template. And put it on one of the all white ones called Minima. I hope that helps

  2. That really does help!! Thanks :) I will give it a try very soon. I used LiveJournal for years and got used to it. It's going to take some time to learn how to use Blogger.
