

After about four or five days without any internet connection, I finally have access to the internet again :) Comcast sent yet another technician out to work on our cable internet. Just as the boyfriend and I thought, it was the modem that was the problem. We'll see how long this one lasts...

Right after I got over the flu, I came down with a mild cold. At least colds are not as bad as H1N1. I was able to work this weekend, despite being sick :) My only concern is that I may have passed my cold onto someone else. Sorry, general public, but I have to pay the bills somehow. Of course, my sales really suffered since I wasn't as perky or as outgoing as one needs to be for my job. Oh well, I get paid no matter what.

Only a few days before I came down with the piggy sniffles, I crocheted up some cute catnip toys for Kaya. She LOVES her toy. I immediately started churning these things out in pretty fall colors. I believe that I mentioned these in a previous blog post. Due to the flu, I was never able to make more than maybe five toys. My mission is to make a crap-load of them before Christmas gets here. I'm a little worried about trying to sell catnip toys that don't actually contain catnip. It's up to the pet parent to add the catnip to the outside of the toy (which would be great for those that use catnip spray). I suppose that I could stuff a little catnip into the inside of the toy, but the real fun happens when "fresh" catnip is added to the outside of the toy. Hopefully, I will get some pics up here soon and you all can give me your opinion on them.

The worst thing that has happened to me this month was, by far, the cancellation of the Miyavi concert that I had tickets to. Only an individual that has been a Japanophile for 14 years would think that contracting the swine flu and having a roommate breakdown and move out during the same week are both not as bad as missing out on a Miyavi concert. Of course our money was refunded and fans are being told that the concert is merely "postponed." I was so broken hearted by this that the boyfriend came home with flowers and took me to dinner at Na Go Ya. I'll post some pics of my beautiful flowers later. It turns out that not only was Miyavi having a difficult time obtaining some sort of permit to perform at certain venues, but he was also suffering from an injury that he sustained during one of his European shows. I hate it for him, but I'm also terribly disappointed. It's not often that I get to attend the concert of my favorite Japanese music artist (aka: this has never happened for me, ever). *sigh* I still have a little hope that he will finish his U.S. tour as he now has an American label.

There are a couple of good things that have come out of the show cancellation. First, it gives us a little more money to go towards the extra large rent that we will be paying this month as we are down by one roommate. Also, our Friday night is now free to spend time with friends and indulge in some Halloween fun :) We plan on going out to eat some place nice and then we are heading out to the Voodoo Bayou, where I will most likely lose my nice dinner. Hopefully having my 6' 5" former wide receiver boyfriend with me will make me feel less freaked out while working our way through a haunted maze. Happy Halloween everyone ;)

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