

Hello! I wanted to write a very quick blog before I run out of the door to get to work...do any of you spin wool? I started spinning my own yarn from wool about a year or so ago on a self-made drop spindle. It's not something that I do with any regularity and find that I never really get better at it. I think that I find the dyeing of the wool to be more rewarding than spinning it. My yarn is always very uneven and over spun and I still have to pre-draft my wool. Any suggestions on how to improve my spinning skills or are there any websites that you know of that could help me out or is this just a matter of practice? Thanks for any suggestions!


  1. I am afraid I can't be of any help, but I do love spun wool, I just don't spin my own. Good luck!

    xo Agnes

  2. I too love hand spun wool and fiber in general. Despite this, I may have to draw the line at spinning. Thanks for the well wishes!


  3. http://thewolfetimes.blogspot.com/2010/03/i-got-blog-award.html

    i left you an award on my blog

  4. I don't know a website. However, I went to school in the North Georgia Mountains and there was a yearly Mountain crafts festival and they had women spinning wool and cotton. I agree homespun is awesome.The best quilts I've ever seen were made with homespun. My suggestion is to try and contact a society like that. What's that celebration called?... the Medieval Renaissance Fair or something like that? Also, try contacting those people up North (OMG I sound so southern saying that. I can't think of anyone's name today) you know the self sufficient ones in Williamsburg, VA? Maybe they have references for guilds in your area.
